有需要這款軟體的可以將妳的聯繫方式發到我的郵箱,本人將會在第一時間和妳聯繫。需提供的資料有:電話,姓名,QQ,MSN ,E-MAIL。公司名,職業,和在專業音響行內從業時間,及現在職位。無其他目的,只爲多認識幾個朋友。軟件大,如用QQ等即時通訊工具需找網速較快的地方。
此軟體僅適用於同行之間技術交流,如有某些不自覺的人士將其放到網絡等其他銷售方式進行利益獲取,均與本人無關,特此聲明!!!『GateWay Installer』為EASER PRO軟體配備的音頻I/O接口。
[ 本帖最后由 Frankie 于 2008-3-29 17:39 编辑 ] 沙發自己座,有需要的請將上述資料發到我郵箱。收到後會第一時間同您聯繫。 已发了资料到你邮箱,望联系, 合和原来跟我们三一都有些业务的,最近这一两年好像断了,看我们能不能把它接起来啊,呵呵... those file can be found in emule too
if you can use emule you can download them directly
or ... 原帖由 springs 于 2008-4-8 10:04 发表 http://www.xycad.com/images/common/back.gif
those file can be found in emule too
if you can use emule you can download them directly
or ...
There are Torrents found from emule but processed 0% for >24hours... :(. Someone has it for sale in Taobao, any clue? I have this software new's update too,you will download them,call me ICQ or E-mail.this free!:)
[ 本帖最后由 yangjie 于 2008-5-2 18:18 编辑 ] 我给你发邮件了请联系我
QQ515008601 Hi all, I have obtained the Easera from TB and installed in my Vista and Windows XP systems sucessfully. My systems installed with latest DirectX. You may ignor the "DWEASY36.OCX file not found" error at the end of installution, it works fine!
I am happy to share it with you for free provide that you are agree to share it with others without making money. The file size is about 128MB, it takes you about 2 hours to complete the file transfer. Just simply add my QQ: 723127511, I will try my best to arrange upload you the files on this weekend.
I would be much appreciated if you could update me regarding EASERA, thanks a lot.
Let's enjoy learning!
[ 本帖最后由 Janitor 于 2008-5-3 01:41 编辑 ] 以后本站发帖一律要求英文得了.:L
;P :) :D :handshake :victory: