“...KLOTZ AIS is an international company with a wealth of long-standing experience in manufacturing and assembling innovative copper and optical fibre cables. Since the outset, our goal has always been to develop products of outstanding quality at fair prices.Today we are global leaders in the design, production and marketing of audio, video, multimedia and fibre-optic cables. Our cables are used in recording studios, television broadcasting companies, theatres, stadiums and arenas – and musicians from dedicated amateurs to top international stars also play with KLOTZ AIS Cables on stages all over the world.”
KLOTZ AIS是具长期经验,有丰富的制造和装配创新的铜和光纤电缆的国际性的公司。从一开始,我们的目标一直是以公平的价格开发出优秀品质的产品。
今天,我们是全球领先的设计,生产和销售的音频,视频,多媒体和光纤电缆公司。我们的电缆是在录音室,电视广播公司,影剧院,体育场馆–和专用的业余音乐家至国际顶级明星也使用KLOTZ AIS电缆,於全世界各地的舞台上表演。