BIAMP是全球最优秀的专业音频处理系统之一,BIAMP技术应用的普及对中国音频行业的发展具有重大的推动作用。作为BIAMP中国大陆地区总代理运营商,天创中电不仅是BIAMP产品的运营销售商而且肩负着BIAMP技术的推广。 2012年天创中电联合BIAMP公司,在北京成都等地举办十余场次的BIAMP培训,超过100名学员参加培训。作为国内专业音频行业高端产品与先进应用的领导者,行业标准化应用方案的倡导者与实践者,天创中电一直致力于音频技术的标准化服务,推动音频技术服务在中国大陆地区开展开来。 BIAMP产品在中国有大量的用户和市场,AVB技术的普及是推动中国音频行业高速发展并快速进去网络化时代的必由之路。正是基于此,天创中电从2010年起便联合美国BIAMP公司,先后组织超过50余场技术培训,超过1000名学员参加并获得提升。2013年,天创中电成都BIAMP技术交流中心建成并投入使用,成为音频行业率先将技术服务纳入战略规划的企业,也为技术服务的标准人才培养打造了良好的环境。 如今,天创中电与BIAMP公司共同推出的BIAMP中国大陆培训体系,主要涵盖BIAMP Audia初级、中级、高级及TESIRA高级培训,培训学员遍布全国,已成为AV行业工程设计人员学习及交流的良好平台。2013年,天创中电继续联合美国BIAMP公司,推出14场中高级技术培训,其中 Audia中级培训8场,Audia高级培训2场,tesira高级培训2场。目前培训计划已经发布,5月份培训报名已经开始,有兴趣参加培训的专业人士可以登录 了解详情,咨询相关事宜。 天创中电2013年BIAMP培训计划
此外,天创中电为方便各位从业者学习,已经培训课程相关视频上传于中国音响设计网 ,具体链接如下,供有兴趣人员学习(可点击选择系列视频)。 Kane Zhang, Biamp亚太地区技术支持。 Kane joined Biamp Systems' Applications Engineering department in February 2010 after relocating from Toronto to Hong Kong. Kane brings 12 years of extensive experience in the AV industry. He specializes in DSP programming, and has extensive experience working with all kinds of audiovisual systems, including projects that feature products from Polycom and Tandberg video conferencing configurations. Factor in his previous experience in the Asian region, he brings a wealth of technical consultation and expertise to his new role at Biamp. In addition to academics, throughout university Kane was really involved in music, playing the trumpet, guitar and drums, which was how he first became interested in the audiovisual industry. Kane enjoys staying on top of current and emerging trends in technology; he is looking forward to providing quality technical support for Biamp's customers. |
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