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Pros reveal secrets gold spot - nba live











发表于 2009-8-8 14:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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1 Gold Every 10 Minutes, Level 42+ (at Scarlet Monastery)

Okay well I've known about this little "problem" if you will.

The second you turn 42 head on over to the SM lotro gold&nbsp,tiffany jewelry;graveyard. This is the instance on the left side inside the Scarlet Monastery. (Please do not do this in a group or you will greatly reduce the amount of loot dropped.)

2 Gold Every 5 Minutes, (at Scarlet Monastery) SM

I farm the boss Arcanist Doan in Scarlet Monastery, he drops Hypnotic Blade, which sells for 1g 27s, and Illusionary Rod, which sells 1g 59s I think. He also drops Robe of Doan, 40s, and Mantle of Doan, 30s.

You should be about level 40, which is when I started farming, that's what I did when I wanted my mount. Smile

Arcanist Doan is level 37 and is in the Scarlet Monastery, located in the far right SM instace, the boss you gotta kill to get the Scarlet Key. Just Stealth directly to him, avoiding all the other mobs.

600g Easy at Level 60 rogue/druid (in LBRS)

I will explain this in detail to the best of my limits.

You have to be a Rogue/Druid class Level 60, for this to work, not sure if its been posted or not but anyway here I go.

Item you will hunt for, Plans: Arcanite Reaper nba live my server kil jid sells for 350g min

Ok first things first, Optional items that you can use to speed up the process: Ornate spy glass

Step #1 make a /target Bannok macro ( type /macro, make a icon then type /target bannok and put it on your hot key)

Step #2 Stealth, and make your way over down to lbrs past the wolfs down to the path of the 2 bridges, then head to the trolls and all the way down to the entrance of the firebrand orcs.

Step #3 Bannok has 3 know spawns that he spawns at, All three are soloable. In spot closer to spiders you have to be in the corner behind that catapult sh*t or whatever and pull him there with your bow/gun. Noone will come with him if done right

Botting For 150 Gold+ A Day, Horde

This will work for horde only!, First you need to head over to blasted lands and go into garrison armory. These mobs are below level 50 and drop up to 5 silver. Green items, Purples and loads of mageweave.

Like i said these dwarfs and gnomes are cheap wow gold around 46-49 level and here is the best part. They have a chance to drop imperfect ( more common ) or perfect ( hella hella rare ) Draenethyst Fragments. you can turn these into the collector quest for Green items and either AH , Vendor or Disenchant them.

Now during a 6 hour bot session i am constantly killing as these mobs do not hurt me and was able to collect up to 15 of these imperfect fragments. That means in a 6-8 hour session you collect 80-90 Gold of creatures, A ton of greens and maybe some blue or purple drops, and up to 15 more greens from the collector quest.

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