原帖由 冬菜 于 2008-6-5 12:49 发表
. \) {$ R% C/ K& K5 B- A至于为什么只有16个通道,我觉得主要是处理能力的限制,我们知道总线里的数字音频是需要时时刻刻保持同步的,而处理器的处理能力则决定着总线的同步。所以关于这个问题,我觉得是因为处理能力的限制。也从另一个角度 ... 9 C6 S I# h' f+ S% p: A% e# f
: a* R3 O$ R1 B( b" s" {: ]. m5 t# }
环路总线要是出了问题,系统基本上接近崩溃!6 u2 i6 C" v, x0 ~" |/ i5 o8 ^
级连信号包括音频和控制信号。& x. w& N8 M2 X5 d
! ?' e& m x3 l9 \0 V. t
, Y2 Q' [/ ]# ~Up to four NEXIA devices may be linked together to share digital audio signals. Tx on one NEXIA device is connected to Rx on the next device, using standard 'straight-through' CAT5 cabling, with a maximum recommended length of 5 meters per cable. 3 B# `! i; g: ~9 \+ K9 e5 B+ V
7 h+ e! I5 j* j {最多4台NEXIA处理器可以互连起来共享数字音频信号,一台NEXIA的TX端口连接互另一台的RX端口,使用标准的直通CAT5线缆,每台设备之间的最大线缆长度建议不超过5M。* o0 h" b" D* t8 Q4 V$ Z
When multiple NEXIA devices are placed in the Layout, NexLink blocks become available for routing digital audio between linked devices. As NexLink blocks are placed into the Layout, a dialog box appears for establishing links between specific devices.
" [" P% y b% k8 j9 A
5 v7 o2 n# K; A; Y当多台NEXIA设备在同一个系统中时,NexLink模块可以被激活用来在两台被链接的设备之间路由数字音频信号,当NexLink模块被放在一个系统文件中时,将出现一个对话框用来在两台指定的NEXIA设备之间建立连接。
: M3 z" h: w6 b* U3 O7 XA device can transmit up to sixteen channels of digital audio to any other single device in the system. A device can also receive up to sixteen channels of digital audio from any other single device in the system.
" L& j$ w# e* [4 B, C+ ]3 p: [0 a( @: y% j* O" z& F* A
一台设备可以发送最多16路数字音频信号到任意其它的在同一系统中的单台设备,一台设备也可以接收最多16路数字音频信号从任意其它的在同一系统中的单台设备。- W3 ~; `" z# @7 B
NexLink is always represented in the Layout as two separate blocks, one for output connections (from transmitting device) and one for input connections (to receiving device).
& \+ h0 D" R! m+ y NexLink模块在同一个系统文件中总是作为两个独立的模块出现,其中一个用于输出连接(从发送设备)和另一个用于输入连接(到接收设备)。
7 [/ _' K0 r+ `Signals received by one device may be mixed and processed as desired, then passed on to another device, using a separate set of NexLink blocks. NexLink transmissions are unidirectional, however, signals will pass through other devices to reach the destination device. A complete circuit may be created between devices by connecting the final device back to the first (see diagram to left)., f, Z' q% |2 K* N* O8 k8 \* `
- m/ c0 m8 C- @% l/ }: O
通过使用一套独立NexLink模块,某台设备接收到的信号可以用来用于混音或信号处理,然后传递给其它的设备。虽然NexLink的信号是单向传输的,但是,信号可以通过其它设备传到目的设备,最后一台NEXIA设备返回到第一台NEXIA设备 一条完整的信号流向在~~~~~之间 |